All japanese newspapers sites in one place. Easy access to any news sources.
Newspapers of Japan gives you the chance to experience all the latest news from Japan and all around the world in a very compact way from the comfort of your own phone or tablet.
The menu button ≣ situated on the left is all you need to start using Newspapers of Japan and stay informed of everything surrounding you. You can also access this menu by swiping your finger from the left part of the screen to the right
Included newspapers/news sites in Newspapers of Japan are:
読売新聞, The Japan News, 朝日新聞, Asahi Shimbun, 毎日新聞, Mainichi Shimbun, 中日新聞, 日本経済新聞, 聖教新聞, 産経新聞, 東京スポーツ, 日刊スポーツ, 西日本新聞, スポーツニッポン, 日刊ゲンダイ, しんぶん赤旗, 産経新聞, サンケイスポーツ, 夕刊フジ, 東京新聞, 北海道新聞, 日刊工業新聞, 中国新聞, 岩手日報, 上毛新聞, 神奈川新聞, 神戸新聞, 静岡新聞, スポーツ報知, スポーツニッポン, Japan Update, Japan Today, Foreign Press Center Japan, 信濃毎日新聞, Japan Newspaper Museum, Sun newspaper, Nagano Nippo, Higashiaichi Shinbun, Okayama Nichinichi Shimbun, Yamaguchi Shimbun, Shimane Nichi, Hitoyoshi Press, Ryoutan Shinbun, Hakodateshinbun, muromin.mnw.jp, Tokachi Mainichi, tomamin.co.jp, Nayoro, Hokkai Minyu, Web Japan, Daily Sun New York, NY Japion, Japan Times, Google News Japan, CNN, Weather.com, 北國新聞, 福井新聞, 岐阜新聞, 市民タイムス, 長崎新聞, SEIKYO online and many other newspapers/news sites.
✓ Favorites
✓ Themes
✓ Share news
✓ Add/Delete newspaper/news site
✓ Online newspaper/news site list update
✓ Open newspaper/news site in standard browser
✓ Select newspaper/news site to be loaded on application start
✓ Show/Hide action bar on read mode
✓ Show/Hide drawer on application start
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